
Tips To Prevent Falls At Home In Aging Parents
March 26, 2021 0 Comment Category: Betenu Health
Senior Living Community
One of the risks related to home caring for an elderly parent is the risks associated with falls. Millions of adults over the age of 60 years suffer a fall every year and many of them end up sustaining serious injuries that can impact their mobility and quality of life. Moreover, injuries like a broken hip can increase the risk of death. As per the reports of the Center For Disease Control, falls are the leading cause of injuries in the United States. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your parent’s home is as safe as it can be. While the risks of falls cannot be eliminated, some practical steps discussed below can be taken to minimize the risks.
Provide Physical Assistance
Physical assistance can help your elderly parent in handling their daily tasks while minimizing the risks of falls. For instance, moving in and out of bed can be challenging for a senior with mobility issues and you can help the person by offering physical assistance. Eldercare providers in a senior living community can be invaluable for this type of help if you are not in a position to be in the home with your parent. Assisted living option also can be opted for in this case.
Install Grab Bars
Grab bars are tools that you can install throughout the home to offer more control to your parents. These are unobtrusive tools that can increase mobility and let your elderly parent navigate their home easily. Grab bars can help maintain the independence of your senior loved one and reduce the need for physical assistance. Make sure that the grab bars are installed properly and are strong enough to manage the weight of your parent.
Remove Tripping Hazards
There can be many tripping hazards in a home and you need to get rid of all these hazards. Make sure that the home of your parent is open and clear, and that the pathways are easily accessible. Walkways should be clear of pet toys, electric cords, and other things that can lead to tripping. Get rid of worn carpeting, throw rugs, clutter, and extension cords stretching across pathways. Always remember that your senior loved one may not have the mobility needed to move around obstacles that might lead to tripping and falling.
In addition to the above things, make sure that your senior loved one is wearing rubber-soled footwear that is supportive to avoid falls at home.
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